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What people are saying about
The Soulful Woman Retreat...
“Lisa creates an atmosphere of growth and caring that allows for incredible personal growth. I was filled with light and love by the end of the weekend. Allison poured her heart and soul into the food. It was visually beautiful and there was something for everyone. My body felt so healthy at the end of the weekend. Thank you for the life changing experience. I will be back!”
“Lisa put together an amazing Soulful Women’s retreat that will allow you to step away from the everyday grind of life and give you a very safe space to explore various soul searching experiences. Allison opened my eyes and wowed my taste buds with her incredible vegan recipes. I felt so amazing and healthy after eating her delicious foods. I was excited to try them at home.”

Facilitator Lisa Betz-Marquez

Chef Allison Roseman
“The dynamic duo! Lisa is a natural, weaving mythology that is stunning. She brings a lively spirit and immense tools that create an experience we can carry the rest of our lives. Although she loved it, that's apparent, I can only imagine the work put into this retreat. Allison is amazing. She's focused but present. How she creates the masterpieces leaves us all blown away, it's that good. I appreciate that she is willing to teach us and share some of them with us. She is passionate about food!”
"Lisa is an AMAZING teacher and organizer - this weekend was a gift to everyone involved! Check out Prairie Arts Yoga Studio if you are in Gering, and go to one of Lisa's retreats if you can - 72 hours of super-intense, cleansing, feel-good time!!!"
"Allison has this gift with her craft her food will fill your heart with love and nourish your body in so many ways. One meal you can feel it working on repairing any damage done. Lisa is a great leader and is able to provide love in so many ways. Her meditations will brighten your soul!"
I had a wonderful experience at the Soulful Woman Retreat. I came home feeling joyful, refreshed, and nourished on all levels. I made several breakthroughs and discovered a new piece of myself while participating in the offerings of the retreat. Thank you so much for nourishing my mind, body, and spirit in a beautifully planned and organized weekend. I can't wait to do this again.
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